martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

2nd day

Hi everybody whose are reading this this blog (only you Teacher)
Today I will talk about the most important news in the global sport:

A day like today... a little baby born in U.S.A, his name is Kobe Brayant, he is in the basketball, one of the most important persons in the world, and one of the MVPs in the NBA league.
This impresionant guy, now a men of 33 years old, was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers, wenh he finish the NCAA like a champion with his college school.
Happy birthday Kobe!!!
2nd: The UEFA CHAMPIONS LEGUE pre-season had finish, this pre-season is organizated once a year for the UEFA, and this help to the 4th places in the europan league to classificate to the CHAMPONS LEGUE or the UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE, the Arsenal, one of the most important teams in England was the superstar this season with the MIP and the MVP, and is now, one of the favorites to win this year.

Is all fo toay, thanks!!!
Atte: Carlos

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